Investigating Medicaid Fraud and Patient Abuse or Neglect

The Illinois Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) investigates and prosecutes:
- Medicaid provider fraud
- Misappropriation of patient or resident funds
- Patient abuse and neglect in Medicaid facilities
Stopping Fraud by Medicaid Providers
Medicaid fraud occurs when a Medicaid provider knowingly makes, or causes to be made, a false or misleading statement or representation to obtain reimbursement from the medical assistance program.This would include, but is not limited to: doctors or other health professionals billing for services they did not provide or allowing uncertified or unqualified individuals to provide services, medical supply companies billing for products they did not provide, dentists performing unnecessary teeth extractions, charging Medicaid more than the reasonable value of the services and providing services that were medically unnecessary.
To make sure that Illinois residents have resources to address incidents of potential fraud or abuse, the Attorney General’s MFCU operates from five locations across the state: Belleville, Chicago, Montvale, Oak Brook, and Rockford.
Stopping Patient Abuse and Neglect
Illinois residents, particularly those who are in vulnerable conditions, must be safeguarded from harm. They may be residents in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and often are seniors. The Attorney General will aggressively investigate those who cheat our programs or hurt beneficiaries. Members of the public can effectively advocate for this vulnerable population by reporting patient safety and fraud concerns.
In addition, should you, or someone you know, be in urgent life-threatening danger, please call 911 for an immediate response. Medical authorities can address the issue quickly and alert the proper authorities that a nursing home may be failing to keep residents safe.
Report Medicaid Fraud or Patient Abuse or Neglect
To make a tip regarding suspected Medicaid fraud or elder abuse start a complaint below. You will need to enter a few details, and contact information so that a member of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit can follow up