Title: Assistant Attorney General - Criminal Trials - Belleville
Division: Criminal Enforcement
Bureau: Criminal Prosecutions Trials Assistance
The Criminal Trials Bureau is responsible for handling a broad spectrum of criminal cases. Prosecutors working in this Bureau investigate and prosecute criminal offenses throughout Illinois. The Bureau provides assistance to State's Attorneys across Illinois and prosecutes cases developed by Office investigators.
Duties include handling all phases of criminal prosecutions, including investigations, drafting search warrants, presenting cases to Grand Juries, conducting preliminary hearings, preparing and arguing pretrial motions, managing discovery, conducting jury and bench trials, and arguing post-trial motions. In addition, duties include conducting habeas corpus petition hearings in the U.S. District Court. Because Assistant Attorneys General prosecute cases throughout the state, travel is required.
Qualified candidates will have criminal prosecution and trial experience, including experience prosecuting felony crimes, knowledge of mental health issues and ability to manage complex cases. Candidates must have a minimum of 2 years criminal prosecution experience and must be licensed by the State of Illinois at the time of application.
Salary: Salaries are commensurate with number of years of practice as a licensed attorney and range from $ 83,000 to $ 107,550.
To ensure full consideration, please send cover letter, resume, three professional references, and writing sample to:
Attn: Thor Y. Inouye
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
115 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 814-3695
(312) 814-5024 (Fax)