Disability Rights

People with disabilities are entitled, as a matter of law, to fair and equal opportunities in all aspects of society. The Attorney General's Disability Rights Bureau enforces state and federal laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities in Illinois.
Submit a Disability Rights Complaint Form
If you have a disability rights-related complaint, please complete and submit the form below.
This form may open in a new browser window. However, because it contains some advanced features, it cannot be submitted through a web browser. You must download this complaint form to your device and use Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to submit a completed form by email.
Follow these additional instructions on how to change your browser settings to open and download the complaint form.
Eliminating Barriers to Accessibility
The office has exclusive authority to enforce the Illinois Environmental Barriers Act (EBA) and its design standards, Illinois Accessibility Code (IAC). These laws and regulations require physical accessibility in new construction, additions and alterations to public facilities, and new multistory housing. It is the goal of the Office of the Attorney General to ensure full accessibility for all Illinois residents. Illinois residents with disabilities deserve the same high quality of life as non-disabled residents. The Office of the Attorney General is dedicated to tearing down barriers to accessibility for people with disabilities and replacing them with compassion and common sense.
Defending Individuals from Discrimination Based on Disability
The Disability Rights Bureau also enforces the Illinois Human Rights Act, which provides jurisdiction to investigate complaints that allege a pattern and practice of disability discrimination in housing, public accommodations, employment, or financial services. The Disability Rights Bureau also investigates pattern and practice discrimination complaints under relevant federal laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Fair Housing Act (FHA).
- Assistance Animals: A Guide for Individuals with Disabilities and Illinois Housing Providers
- Service Animals: A Guide for Individuals with Disabilities and Illinois Businesses
- Report Incidents of Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation English
- Guidelines for Choosing an Attorney for Special Education Representation
- Guidelines for Choosing a Lay Advocate in Special Education
- Guidance - School and Mental Health Records
- Table: School Records - Who May Provide Written Consent to Release Information
- Instructions: Authorization for Release of Records and Communications by School District
- Form: Authorization for Release of Records and Communications by School District
- Law Enforcement Guide to Interacting with People with Autism
- Law Enforcement Guide to Interacting with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Law Enforcement Guide to Interacting with People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision
Providing Education and Assistance
In addition to enforcement work, the Disability Rights Bureau regularly provides technical assistance and referrals to individuals with disabilities and public and private entities seeking to comply with disability rights laws. This office conducts disability rights training programs for law enforcement, architects, engineers, building code officials and inspectors, judges and court personnel, business owners, disability rights organizations, and other groups upon request. Bureau staff members also serve on a number of committees that address a variety of issues impacting the lives of people with disabilities.
Resources for Businesses and Organizations
Resources for Accessibility in the Legal System
Access to the legal system is a basic necessity in our society. Most people with disabilities want to participate in the legal system - as jurors, witnesses, litigants, attorneys or judges. In addition to participating in the legal system, people with disabilities seek legal representation for other purposes such as buying a home, obtaining a divorce, drafting a will, or planning for retirement.
The Attorney General's Office works to ensure that people with disabilities have access to every aspect of the legal system by distributing educational information. This office also provides training for a network of court disability coordinators who receive and disseminate information regarding accommodating people with disabilities in a judicial setting.
Court Disability Coordinators (CDCs) are persons who have been appointed by the Chief Judge of their circuit court. They are professionals who currently have various duties and specific expertise in some aspect of the judicial process. Court Disability Coordinators have access to a vast array of people and agencies that can help ensure program accessibility for people with disabilities as well as the statute regarding sign language interpreters. CDCs have been given guidelines for determining who is a protected person with a disability, what constitutes program accessibility and how it can be achieved.
To obtain the name of the Court Disability Coordinator in your area, contact the Disability Rights Bureau in Springfield at 1-217-524-2660 or in Chicago at 312-814-5684. Individuals with hearing or speech disabilities can reach us by using the 7-1-1 relay service.
Advocacy with Commissions, Boards and Committees
In conformance with Illinois law, the Office of the Attorney General has designated staff from the Disability Rights Bureau to officially represent the Office in regards to:
- Community and Residential Services Authority
- Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (CHIP)
- Due Process Screening Committee
- Task Force on Housing Accessibility
The staff from the Disability Rights Bureau also represent the office on the following:
- Consortium of Illinois Disability Advocates
- National Association of Attorneys General - Civil Rights Project
- Housing Discrimination Task Force
- Public Accommodations Task Force
- Medicaid Buy-In Task Force - Department of Public Aid
- Illinois Assembly - Department of Insurance
- Advisory Council on Parking for People with Disabilities - Secretary of State
- Illinois Building Commission - Sub-committee on Accessibility
Chicago Disability Rights Bureau
Office of the Attorney General
115 S. LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60603
312-814-3212 (fax)
Springfield Disability Rights Bureau
Office of the Attorney General
500 S. Second Street
Springfield, IL 62701
217-782-1096 (fax)
Individuals with hearing or speech disabilities can reach us by using the 7-1-1 relay service.